Apples and Snakes, Nature Persists and Synergy Slam Poets are excited to announce the launch of the Synergy Slam Poets: SOIL & EARTH And TREES Hybrid Online Workshop Programs.

On Thursday 3rd October, we launch the rolling recorded Synergy Slam Poets: SOIL & EARTH and TREES Workshop Program.

Our two unique courses bring together poetic expression, scientific exploration, and mythological themes, to encourage participants to be curious about synergy at nature has with the urban environments. In 4 weeks learn about the wonders of life in soil and earth, and the many species of trees, silent sentinels of our cities and big towns and what they offer beside clean air.

These are hybrid programs made up of

  • audio and visual interactive activities

  • up to 8 recorded audio and/or video in-person workshops

  • segmented interactive writing prompts

  • 2 sharing and critique sessions with other classmates

Write EcoPoetry in response to current and share with others in the monthly critiques clubs.

Each course is divided into 4 distinct weeks, which you can complete in the 4 week time frame. You can also go at your own pace, and are open until Sunday 26th January 2025. It is not a marked course, and  some of the resources can be found on the Synergy Slam Poets SOIL & EARTH and TREES website pages as a preview to the full program hosted on the .

Synergy Slam Poets is currently run through Poets Built It Online Community of “Poets Supporting Poets.”

Nurturing Poets and Amplifying EcoAwareness

Poetry and the Synergy Between The Natural World & The City.

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