EXTRA WORKSHOP DATE - Sunday 7th April at 2pm

Due to general consensus, we are happy to announce that there will be an extra date added to the the Synergy Slam Poetry and Performance Workshop Program.

After 3 great weeks of exploring urban nature, the health of city soil, and plastic pollution solutions, we we will be delving into the practice of performing online and to camera next week and will be combining all the elements of the last 3 sessions.

See the Synergy Slam: SOIL & EARTH Workshop Program content HERE

And here’s what you’ll catch up on
when you join Synergy Slam Poets on Poets Built It

To join the workshops, fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Week 1: Writing The Synergy Between The City And The Natural World In Urban Environments

Week 2: Delve into the myth and symbolism of soil and earth.

Week 3: Look into poetic forms and devices to create EcoPoetry around soil health, plastic and the courses previous themes.

If you would like to be a part of the next weeks session and the extra date, fill in the form below to join the Synergy Slam Poets Workshop program community!


Know The Makeup Of Plastic and Why It Is So Toxic To Soil


The Poet Speaks