A Cultural Reflection Writing Trees #CourseResource

Jason Allen-Paissant's  collection of poetry, "Thinking With Trees" is a reflective, looking back to look forward to a new relationship with trees and forests.

I  feel he had feelings of missing out on experiencing trees as the silent and majestic guardians of nature that inspires awe. His Caribbean culture  and socialisation around trees integrated them into everyday living. 

It is cerebral in places. Under lying this though, there is a yearning to be in tune with nature that is revisited, or reignited, when he is able to see trees and forests, in later life, through the lens of his children's playfulness, almost envious of their connection to nature.

This isn't an easy read, however, staying curious to appreciate the richness of the language and layers with reflection, you will find a poet is in search of a new way of being.

~ Zena ~


David Oakes: 56(ish) Trees Podcast


WEEK 1 Of Synergy Slam Poets: TREES Begins!